GBC End of Year Letter 2024
Dear Partners & Friends of GBC,
As I reflect on 2024, I am filled with joy and gratitude for what God has allowed Grace Bible Church to see and do:
These achievements are a testament of God’s power working through people who are striving to be faithful to His mission of bringing joy to the world.
With victories there will be obstacles...and we have one : We are facing a budget shortfall of $32,720. While this presents a challenge, it is also an opportunity for everyone in our church family to come together in faith and stewardship.
As we move into 2025, there are some exciting plans...calling a Children’s Minister to disciple children and encourage families...mission trips are on the to reach people in our community are being coordinated...spiritual growth opportunities are being planned...and much more!
To reach these goals and close the budget shortfall, I propose a two-pronged plan:
1) I have asked the Finance Team to reduce the church budget. The reduced budget will go into effect on January 1st. Currently, our weekly budget is $15,450. It will be reduced to $14,750.
2) I am asking you to prayerfully consider making a year-end donation before December 31. Your year-end gift in addition to your regular giving will help us close the current gap and propel GBC forward into 2025.
There are 2 ways to make a year-end gift: Using cash or a check give at the black giving boxes at the exits of the worship center...OR...give online (
Your year-end gift will make an impact and be a sweet offering to the Lord!
I’m cheering for you!
Pastor Cary
P.S. – Don’t miss these two opportunities promoted below:
As I reflect on 2024, I am filled with joy and gratitude for what God has allowed Grace Bible Church to see and do:
- Baptize 38 new believers
- Welcome 22 new partners into the GBC family
- Support 11 missionaries/organizations here and around the world with $54,750
- Start Sunday God Rallies & remodel a new space for children to encounter Christ
- Support mission trips to Haven of Rest, Guatemala, North Carolina, & South Sudan
These achievements are a testament of God’s power working through people who are striving to be faithful to His mission of bringing joy to the world.
With victories there will be obstacles...and we have one : We are facing a budget shortfall of $32,720. While this presents a challenge, it is also an opportunity for everyone in our church family to come together in faith and stewardship.
As we move into 2025, there are some exciting plans...calling a Children’s Minister to disciple children and encourage families...mission trips are on the to reach people in our community are being coordinated...spiritual growth opportunities are being planned...and much more!
To reach these goals and close the budget shortfall, I propose a two-pronged plan:
1) I have asked the Finance Team to reduce the church budget. The reduced budget will go into effect on January 1st. Currently, our weekly budget is $15,450. It will be reduced to $14,750.
2) I am asking you to prayerfully consider making a year-end donation before December 31. Your year-end gift in addition to your regular giving will help us close the current gap and propel GBC forward into 2025.
There are 2 ways to make a year-end gift: Using cash or a check give at the black giving boxes at the exits of the worship center...OR...give online (
Your year-end gift will make an impact and be a sweet offering to the Lord!
I’m cheering for you!
Pastor Cary
P.S. – Don’t miss these two opportunities promoted below: