In order to be a balanced disciple of Christ,
we believe it to be vital that people belong to a small group.
we believe it to be vital that people belong to a small group.
An Elective is a small group that focuses on a particular topic selected by the group Host. These groups meet on Sunday mornings and throughout the week in various locations. In an Elective, you will build deep relationships with others and gain a deeper understanding of real world topics as they relate to the Bible. Grace Groups focus on connection as opposed to content. They are less about what we will learn and more about who we will come to know. Grace Groups commit to going Up, In, and Out together as they do life. Going “Up” is the commitment to going vertical in our relationship with God together. Going “IN” is the commitment to open our lives to one another. Going “Out” is the commitment to develop a burden and plan to reach the lost. When you join a Grace Group you are not attending a bible study, you are joining a squad that is committed to each other.
Life Groups meet to discuss the week’s sermon passage. This group is for a person who enjoys hearing God’s Word each Sunday, but then takes that Word and applies it the following week. Because each person in the group is seeking to do this, a Life Group becomes a huge source of encouragement. In this group, you will become known and get to know others. Long lasting friendships are built in Life Groups. Life Group Questions
I would like to start a small group with friends; please contact Pastor Stephen here |